How Do You Clean a Tile Floor With Vinegar and Baking Soda?

This is a simple household ingredient that works amazingly in cleaning the tiles and almost everything sometimes even the greasy utensils. Vinegar is used for many purposes starting from making pickles to cleaning everything to shine like mirrors. Vinegar can effectively clean the objects that are accumulated with tough layer grit due to hard water. Vinegar is also used to clean most of the types of flooring (not all).
A gentle amount of vinegar is always recommended to clean the tile flooring because too much use can take away the factory finish yet vinegar is strong enough to remove the dirt and grime that is accumulated on the hardwood, vinyl, porcelain tile, and laminate.
When you prepare a homemade tile cleaning solution by mixing 1 part of vinegar with 1 part of water by adding little detergent liquid and baking soda it will become an effective cleaning solution to clean the tiles. This effective homemade floor cleaner will work amazingly in removing even the stubborn stains.

Mix the Right Ingredients
Mixing the right ingredients in the right portion is very important to achieve better cleaning results. Prepare a mixture of ½ cup water, ½ cup of detergent liquid and 1 ½ cup of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar. Combine all the ingredients in the spray bottle and give a good shake. Spray the mixture on the floor or on the stained area and wipe it with clean cloth this will amazingly clean your tile floors. If possible rinse the floor thoroughly to remove the baking soda residue from the floors. Tile and grout cleaning is always a tricky job when you follow the right method by combining right ingredients in the right portion you’ll definitely achieve better results.
How to Tackle Stubborn Stains
Spills and stains are very common during the party hours, or sometimes your tiles are highly prone to spills that will become stubborn stains later even during normal days. It is not a very difficult job to clean the stubborn stains on the tiles. The combination of two super ingredients baking soda and vinegar can effectively tackle any type of stubborn stains on the tile floors. No need to call any tile cleaning company to solve the issue. Just by implementing little tricky ideas you can easily remove the stubborn stains from the tile floors. Apply strong vinegar on the stubborn stains such as soap scum, mildew, hard-water deposits etc. use brush or fingers to rub on the stains and wipe it with a clean cloth or rinse the surface. The stains vanish!

How to Clean the Darkened Grout
Darkened Grout Lines are easily treated with a generous amount of baking soda paste. Mix water and baking soda in a container and make a thick paste to Clean Grout Lines. Apply the paste on the grout lines and use a toothbrush to scrub the area. Leave the surface for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Your grout lines are cleaned and perfectly match the shining tiles. Hire Professional Tile and Grout Cleaner in Melbourne at affordable price.
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